İngilizce Seru ve CevapLarı..


Özel Üye
21 Tem 2008
Tepkime puanı
1-) A: Hello ! Is that 230 53 55 ?
B : Yes, Who is that , please?
A : ..............................
Yukarıdaki diyaloğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) I am Tom Smith.
B) My name is Paul.
C) This is Paul Brown.
D) How do you do?
E) He is Mr. Smith.
2-) A : I am sorry, I am late.
B : ........................
Yukarıdaki diyaloğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) How do you do?
B) Excuse me, what time is it ?
C) That's all right.
D) I am fine.
E) Pleased to meet you.
3-) Do you know his mother's name?
Yukarıdaki soruya verilecek cevap aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) No, I'm not. I'm Tony Curtis.
B) No, it isn't . Her name is Jane.
C) Yes, I do. It is Jane Smith.
D) Yes, she is.
E) No, she is not Jane Smith.
4-) Aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi yanlıştır?
A) Will you help me?
B) Shall we go to the cinema?
C) Can you help me, please?
D) Shall you close the door, please?
E) Let's watch T.V. tonight.
5-) Can I help you?
Yukarıdaki cümle ile aynı anlamda olan cümle aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Shall we clean the room?
B) Will you give me the book?
C) May I help you?
D) Can I have a room, please?
E) Let's go out.
6-) Would you take this, please?
Yukarıdaki cümlenin Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Bana yardım eder misiniz, lütfen?
B) Yardıma ihtiyacınız mı var?
C) Şunu bana verir misiniz, lütfen?
D) Bunu alır mısınız, lütfen?
E) Buraya gelir misiniz, lütfen?
7-) I. Where's the Art Gallery?
II. Ah, yes, it's straight ahead, then on the lefthand side.
III. Yes.
IV. Excuse me.
Cümlelerin doğru sıralanışı hangisidir?
" Yes, there is one in South St."
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Where is the cinema?
B) Is there a telephone box in South St?
C) Is this a map?
D) Is it in White St.?
E) Are these schools in South St.?
9-) Ayşe is going to be here in....... hour.
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi cümleyi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) a
B) the
C) Ø
D) an
E) at
10-) Where is Alice?
Yukarıdaki sorunun cevabı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) I wear a red dress.
B) He is working.
C) She is at work.
D) They paint the house.
E) She is a dancer.
11-) I need a ....... of milk and two ....... of sugar.
Yukarıdaki boşlukları aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) glasses /packet
B) glass/packet
C) bottle/packets
D) bottles/packet
E) bottle /bottle
12-) "............?"
I go to the cinema on Sundays.
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) What time do you play basketball?
B) What are you cooking?
C) When do you go to the cinema?
D) Does she go to the cinema?
E) Where do you wash your car?
13-) "............?"
It's 80 m.
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) How tall is your brother?
B) How big is that house?
C) Is it 80 m. long?
D) How long is this bridge?
E) How heavy is this bag?
14-) deep the how River Nile is ?
Yukarıdaki kelimelerin anlamlı bir cümle oluşturan sıralanışı nedir?
A) III. II. IV. V. I
C) III. I. V. II. IV
D) V. II. III. I. IV
E) V. III. I. IV. II
15-) ......... do you prefer cake or chocolate?
Yukarıdaki boşluğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) Who
B) What
C) When
D) Which
E) Where
16-) Do you like dogs?
Yukarıdaki sorunun cevabı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Yes, they are my dogs.
B) Yes, I like it very much.
C) No, I don't like them at all.
D) Yes, you are right.
E) No, I don't like it.
17-) I. Good evening. Can I help you?
II. Yes, sir. We have got this one.
III. Thank you very much.
IV. Yes, please. Have you got a table for two?
Yukarıdaki cümlelerin anlamlı bir bütün oluşturan sıralanışı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
1 Have you got ....... money?
Yukarıdaki boşluğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) something
B) some
C) anything
D) any
E) anyone
19-) He...... chicken every weekend.
Cümledeki boşluğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) likes
B) eats
C) drinks
D) is
E) paint
20-) When do you go to the cinema?
Yukarıdaki sorunun cevabı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) They go to the cinema.
B) I'm going to the cinema now.
C) We go to the cinema every saturday.
D) He goes to the cinema at 5 o'clock.
E) I went to the cinema yesterday.
21-) I. I would like to speak to Mr. Smith.
II. When will he come to office?
III. I'am afraid he is not here.
IV. He'll come to office next week.
Yukarıdaki cümlelerin anlamlı bir bütün oluşturan sıralanışı nedir?
22-) I......... get up at 8:00 on weekdays but ...... at weekends.
Cümledeki boşlukları aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) now/always
B) never/never
C) always/sometimes
D) always/never
E) now/never
23-) Alex : Yes madam, can I help you?
Susan : I'm looking for my daughter.
Alex : And..................?
Susan : She's short, about three feet six inches, thin and has got long hair.
Yukarıdaki karşılıklı konuşmada boş bırakılan yeri aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) How old is she?
B) What does she look like?
C) What's the matter with you?
D) Is she tall and fat?
E) Do you know my daughter?
24-) Let's go to the cinema.
Yukarıdaki cümleye verilen cevap aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Shall we go the cinema?
B) I don't want to go out.
C) We are watching T.V.
D) No, let's not.
E) Yes, we do.
25-) Can you tell me the way to the hospital?
Yukarıdaki cümlenin başka bir deyişle söylenmiş biçimi aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) I want to know your secret.
B) Is there a hospital in this way?
C) Where is the hospital?
D) Do you know this way?
E) Where is the other hospital?
26-) "..........?“
Yes, I have been at home.
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Where have you been?
B) Have you been at home?
C) Have you been at work?
D) Where have you gone?
E) Have you gone to school?
27-) ...............?
Certainly, Sir.
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Who's calling?
B) Can I speak to Mr.Smith, please?
C) What can I do for you?
D) Where is Mr. Smith?
E) Where can I find a telephone box?
2 Amanda's gone to lunch but she's coming........... at 2 o'clock.
Cümledeki boşluğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) long
B) take
C) eat
D) look
E) back
29-) A : When does the swimming pool open?
B: "................ "
Yukarıdaki sorunun cevabı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Yes, they open at 8.30.
B) They close at 6 o'clock.
C) It opens at 8: 30.
D) They open at 8: 30.
E) No, they don't open at 8:30.
30-) Haven't you got some money to lend me?
Altı çizili kelimelerden hangisi yanlış kullanılmıştır?
A) to
B) got
C) some
D) me
E) you
1-) C
2-) C
3-) C
4-) D
5-) C
6-) D
7-) C
9-) D
10-) C
11-) C
12-) C
13-) D
14-) C
15-) D
16-) C
17-) B
1 D
19-) B
20-) C
21-) C
22-) D
23-) B
24-) D
25-) C
26-) B
27-) B
2 E
29-) C
30-) C


1-) .......................... ?
No, I am not. I'm George Smith.
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Who are you ?
B) Are you George Smith ?
C) Is your name Alex Smith ?
D) Who is it, please ?
E) Are you Robert Smith ?
2-) Albert : Is that 3412?
Jane : I'm afraid that's the wrong number
Albert : I'm sorry
Jane :...................
Yukarıdaki boşluğu hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) I'm sorry.
B) Excuse me.
C) Good morning.
D) Yes, it is.
E) That's all right.
3-) .................. is that ?
I think that's her uncle.
Yukarıdaki boşluğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) Where
B) What
C) Who
D) How
E) Can
4-) My brother's son is my ..................
Yukarıdaki boşluğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) cousin
B) aunt
C) niece
D) nephew
E) sister-in-law
5-) Jane's husband is Mrs. Johnson's uncle.
Altı çizili sözcüklerin yerine aşağıdakilerden hangileri kullanılabilir?
A) He/his
B) She/she
C) He/she
D) He/her
E) She/his
6-) Alice is not ........ her room. She will be..... school.
Yukarıdaki boşlukları aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) in/to
B) on/at
C) in /at
D) at/in
E) at /at
7-) Mary is .............. engineer and lives in ........... USA.
Yukarıdaki boşlukları aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) a/Ø
B) the/the
C) an/the
D) a/a
E) an/an

Şemaya göre "Where is the bank?" sorusunun en doğru cevabı aşağıdakilerden hangisi olabilir?
A) It is on the right.
B) It is next to the post office.
C) It is next to the Grand Hotel.
D) It is on King Street.
E) I'm sorry, I don't know.
9-) I. It's in Market Street, opposite the bank.
II. Where's Market Street?
III. It's the next street on the right.
IV. Excuse me. Where is the Grand Hotel?
Yukarıdaki cümlelerin anlamlı bir bütün oluşturan sıralanışı nedir?
10-) .........................?
He's gone to work.
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Is he at work ?
B) Where is Brian ?
C) Is he going to work ?
D) Where is he going ?
E) When does he go to work ?
11-) What time is it ?
Saat kaç?

A) It is five past eleven.
B) It is five to eleven.
C) It is five to nine.
D) It is five past nine.
E) It is a quarter to eleven.
12-) I drink coffee.... 10 : 30 ....... weekdays.
Cümledeki boşlukları aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) in/on
B) at/at
C) at/-
D) at /on
E) on/in
13-) ..........................?
I have a shower on Wednesdays.
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) When do you have a shower ?
B) What are you doing?
C) What time do you have a shower ?
D) Where do you have a shower?
E) Where is the bathroom?
14-) The train leaves ........ İstanbul........ 7:30.......... everyday.
Cümledeki boşlukları aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) in/at / on
B) for/at /-
C) in /to/at
D) on/on/-
E) for/on/at
15-) ........................?
It is blue.
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) How old is our suit?
B) What colour is a river?
C) How much is your bag?
D) How tall is your friend?
E) How deep is this river?
16-) Have you got a ticket ........... Saturday?
Cümledeki boşluğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) to
B) for
C) in
D) from
E) on
17-) ............................?
They are my suitcases.
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Are these books ?
B) What is that?
C) Is this yours?
D) What are these?
E) What's this?
1 ".............................?"
It's ten years old.
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) How old is this building?
B) How deep is it?
C) How high is that mountain?
D) How are you?
E) How old is this boy?
19-) George : There is beer and Coca Cola...........
Sally : I'd prefer beer to Coca Cola.
Yukarıdaki karşılıklı konuşmada boş bırakılan yeri aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) Who do you prefer?
B) Why do you prefer Coca Cola?
C) Where do you drink beer?
D) What would you eat with beer?
E) Which one would you prefer?
20-) What do you .............. of Chinese food?
I....... like ............ at all.
Yukarıdaki karşılıklı konuşmada boş bırakılan yerleri aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) think /didn't /them
B) like/did/it
C) like/can /them
D) think /don't /it
E) prefer /can/it
21-) Lokantada kendiniz ve arkadaşınız için bir masa istediğinizi nasıl belirtirsiniz?
A) Can I have two tables?
B) Where is the table?
C) Can I have a double table?
D) Have you got any tables?
E) Can I have a table for two ?
22-) Is there...... hotel near here?
Yes, there is ............ in North Street.
Yukarıdaki boşlukları aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) any/some
B) a/one
C) some/any
D) an/any
E) some/some
23-) ...............................?
No, we haven't got any.
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Can we have lunch?
B) Have you got any soup on the menu?
C) Is that cheese good?
D) Do you like Chinese food?
E) What do you think of German wine?
24-) I. I am sorry madam. It is off today.
II. Good afternoon. Can I help you?
III Yes, please. Have you got chicken grill?
Yukarıdaki cümlelerin doğru sıralanışı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
25-) She drinks milk .........
Yukarıdaki boşluğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) today
B) now
C) this morning
D) every morning
E) yesterday
26-) Where is Robert going?
Yukarıdaki sorunun cevabı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) She is going to school.
B) He is going to the cinema.
C) He is staying at home.
D) She is doing her homework.
E) He is watching TV.
27-) "Jane is coming from France this morning."
Yukarıdaki cümlenin Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Jane bugün Fransa'da olabilir.
B) Jane bu sabah Fransa'ya geliyor.
C) Jane bu akşam Fransa'ya gidiyor.
D) Jane bu sabah Fransa'dan geliyor.
E) Jane bu sabah Fransa'da olmalı.
2 They......... play tennis at weekends but........ on weekdays.
Cümledeki boşlukları aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) now /always
B) always /never
C) always /then
D) never/now
E) always /always
29-) Will you put....... books on the shelf?
Yukarıdaki boşluğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) this
B) that
C) these
D) they
E) it
30-) Aşağıdakilerden hangisinde gelecekle ilgili bir anlam yoktur?
A) She's coming today.
B) He's working at the weekend.
C) They're visiting him tonight.
D) He's walking.
E) She's buying a house this week.
1-) E
2-) E
3-) C
4-) D
5-) D
6-) C
7-) C
9-) B
10-) B
11-) C
12-) D
13-) A
14-) B
15-) B
16-) B
17-) D
1 A
19-) E
20-) D
21-) E
22-) B
23-) B
24-) C
25-) D
26-) B
27-) D
2 B
29-) C
30-) D

1-) A: ....................................?
B : Yes, my name is Sibel
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Hello, what is your name?
B) Who is that girl?
C) Is your name Sibel?
D) Excuse me, were you Miss Sibel?
E) Hello, where is Miss Sibel?
2-) 234 58 86 telefon numarasının okunuşu hangisidir?
A) three-four-two- five- double six-eight
B) two-four -five-three - double eight -six
C) two- three-four- five-double eight - six
D) two- three- five- eight- double four- seven
E) four-two - three - seven - double nine- five
3-) Mrs. Brown: Is that 2281832?
Secretary: “.........................”
Yukarıdaki karşılıklı konuşmada boş bırakılan yeri aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) Yes, I am
B) No, she isn’t
C) Yes, who is that?
D) Yes, he is Mr. Brown
E) No, he isn’t
4-) get up please early don't
Yukarıdaki kelimelerin anlamlı bir cümle oluşturan sıralanışı hangisidir?
5-) My father's brother is my ........................
Yukarıdaki boşluğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) nephew
B) niece
C) aunt
D) uncle
E) husband
6-) Sally is Mr. White's wife
Altı çizili sözcüklerin yerine aşağıdakilerden hangisi getirilirse anlam bozulmaz?
A) They/his
B) Her /he
C) She/his
D) She /her
E) He/her
7-) Yardıma ihtiyacınız olduğunda ne dersiniz?
A) Would you open the window please?
B) Who will help you?
C) Can she help you?
D) Can you help me?
E) Will you follow me?
Where is Ayşe?
She’s ...... to the dry - cleaner’s
Yukarıdaki boşluğu hangisi doğru olarak tamamlar?
A) gone
B) went
C) been
D) can go
E) goes
9-) Aşağıdakilerden hangisi bir "öneri" cümlesidir?
A) Can I have a ticket , please?
B) Please, don't take your bags
C) Of course you can sit here
D) Shall we visit Jane?
E) Are you waiting for me?
10-) Aşağıdaki şemaya göre "Where is Green Park?" sorusunun cevabı hangisidir?

A) It is on the corner of King Street and South Street
B) It is near the shops, opposite the post office
C) It is next to the shops
D) It is at the end of South Street
E) It is on South Street , next to the garage
11-) "Is there a telephone box on Aldernay Street?"
" ............................. "
Yukarıdaki sorunun cevabı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) No, it isn't
B) No, there isn't
C) Yes, they are
D) No, I can't
E) Yes, we are
12-) "............................................. ...? "
"Yes, she is. Come in please."
Yukarıdaki cevabın sorusu aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Are you Miss Smith?
B) Where is Miss Smith?
C) Is Miss Smith in?
D) Which is Miss Smith?
E) Is that you Miss Smith?
13-) I. No, I am not.
II. Are you Kathy Stevens?
III. I think she's gone to a meeting.
IV. Where is she?
Yukarıdaki cümlelerin anlamlı bir bütün oluşturan sıralanışı nedir?
14-) I drink coffee .................... 10.30 .................. weekdays.
A) in / on
B) at / at
C) at/ 
D) at / on
E) on / in
15-) "Where are Mr. Brown and his father?
"...................... "
Yukarıdaki sorunun cevabı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) He isn't here.
B) He is in İzmir.
C) We are at school.
D) They will arrive in the morning.
E) They are in Paris.
Yukarıdaki işaretin anlamı nedir?
A) We don't have any cigarettes.
B) You may smoke here.
C) You can't smoke here
D) We don't smoke.
E) We don't buy cigarettes.
17-) Birisi size yeni öğretmenin adını sorduğunda, emin değilseniz ne dersiniz?
A) His name is John Baker
B) I don't like him at all.
C) He is my uncle.
D) I am afraid he is not here.
E) I think it's Tom Smith.
1 Please don’t put your bag here.
Yukarıdaki cümlenin Türkçe karşılığı hangisidir?
A) Çantanızı buradan alın lütfen.
B) Lütfen, çantanızı buraya koymayın.
C) Onu çantama koyma lütfen.
D) Çantanızdakileri çıkarın lütfen.
E) Lütfen çantalarınızı buraya bırakın.
19-) "...........................? "
"They are blue."
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) What are these
B) What colour are his eyes
C) How heavy is your coat
D) Are those yours
E) Where is my pencil
20-) ".................."
"Yes, I am."
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) How old are you?
B) Are you married?
C) Can you come?
D) Where are you staying?
E) Is your father working?
21-) Julia is Paul's niece.
Altı çizili sözcüklerin yerine hangileri getirilirse anlam bozulmaz?
A) He/her
B) He /my
C) She/his
D) My /his
E) She /you
22-) " ................... ? "
"Certainly you can."
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Will you follow me please?
B) Can I put this here?
C) Would you bring me another drink?
D) Will they eat at a restaurant?
E) Can he lift this box?
23-) Bisküvi satın almak istiyorsunuz. Ancak süpermarketin nerede olduğunu bilmiyorsunuz. Nasıl sorarsınız?
A) Do you want to buy some biscuits?
B) Where is the nearest supermarket?
C) Are you working in a supermarket?
D) Whose supermarket is this?
E) What are you going to do with those biscuits?
24-) "...................? "
"No, thank you."
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Can you help David?
B) Can I sit here?
C) Will you carry that suitcase for me?
D) Can I help you?
E) Would you wait here?
25-) This cat is Mehmet's cat.
Yukarıdaki cümlede altı çizili isimlerin yerine aşağıdakilerden hangisi kullanılabilir?
A) They/him
B) She/his
C) He/her
D) It/her
E) It/his
26-) That boy over there is my ..................
Cümledeki boşluğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) sister
B) aunt
C) niece
D) nephew
E) father
27-) It’s 30 meters.
Yukarıdaki cevabı gerektiren soru hangisidir?
A) How heavy is that box?
B) How high are the minarets?
C) How old is the hotel?
D) How high is this tree?
E) How high are these buildings?
2 Metin : What's that over there on the table?
Lütfi : It's .................. red ink.
Cümledeki boşluğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) an
B) a
C) Ø
D) any
E) only little
29-) ......................... wide is this river?
Cümledeki boşluğu aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
A) Whom
B) What
C) Which
D) How
E) That
30-) brother is Brian's that?
Yukarıdaki kelimelerin anlamlı bir cümle oluşturan sıralanışı hangisidir?
1-) C
2-) C
3-) C
4-) D
5-) D
6-) C
7-) D
9-) D
10-) A
11-) B
12-) C
13-) B
14-) D
15-) E
16-) C
17-) E
1 B
19-) B
20-) B
21-) C
22-) B
23-) B
24-) D
25-) E
26-) D
27-) D
2 C
29-) D
30-) E

1-) I’m staying with my friends at a hotel in Van.
Türkçe karşılığı nedir?
A) Arkadaşlarımla birlikte Van’da bir otelde kalıyorum.
B) Vandaki otelimde arkadaşlarım kalıyor.
C) Arkadaşlarım gelince kalmak için Van’da bir otel arayacağız.
D) Arkadaşlarım Van’da bir otelde kalmamızı istiyor.
E) Arkadaşlarım Van’da bir otelde kalıyor.
2-) What do you think of these clothes?
Hangisi çok sevildiğini gösterir?
A) I like them very much.
B) I like them.
C) I don’t like them at all.
D) Yes, I do.
E) No, I don’t like them.
3-) How many ......... of milk are there in the refregerator?
Boşluğu hangisi doğru olarak tamamlar?
A) tubes
B) slices
C) bottles
D) jams
E) bars
4-) Do you enjoy driving?
Hangisi cevabı olamaz?
A) Yes, a little
B) No, not very much
C) Yes, very much
D) Yes, I enjoy swimming
E) No, not at all.
5-) I must go and see the dentist. I’ve got ..........
Boşluğu hangisi doğru olarak tamamlar?
A) a headache
B) stomachache
C) the flu
D) toothache
E) a fever
6-) You can ride a ......... and a ..........
Boşluğu hangisi doğru olarak tamamlar?
A) car / bicycle
B) train / car
C) train / horse
D) car / ship
E) bicycle / horse
7-) ...............?
Twice a week.
Cevabı gerektiren soru hangisidir?
A) How often do you watch a video film?
B) When did you come back home?
C) How much are you going to pay?
D) How long will you work with us?
E) Where did you go for the holiday?
Students must take exams .......... month.
Boşluğu hangisi doğru olarak tamamlar?
A) in
B) every
C) on
D) at
E) off
9-) Are you Helen’s mother?
Cevabı hangisidir?
A) No, I am not. I’m her aunt.
B) No, it isn’t. His name is John.
C) Yes, she is my mother.
D) My name ise Marry Brown.
E) I don’t know her name.
10-) Where is Ali’s office? I’m looking ........ Ali.
Boşluğu hangisi doğru olarak tamamlar?
A) on
B) in
C) at
D) out
E) for
11-) I would like a sandwich.
Aynı anlama gelen cümle hangisidir?
A) I eat a sandwich.
B) I need a sandwich
C) I want a sandwich.
D) I bring a sandwich.
E) I give a sandwich.
12-) Boby: Do you like basketball?
Terry: Yes, but I haven’t played ......... a year.
Boşluğu hangisi doğru olarak tamamlar?
A) on
B) since
C) by
D) during
E) for
13-) No, there isn’t.
Cevabı gerektiren soru hangisidir?
A) Is there a police station near here?
B) Are there small shops here?
C) Is the police station at the end of the street?
D) Are there any girls in this classroom?
E) Is this your book?
14-) I. We had dinner at the Ekrem’s restaurant.
II. Did you enjoy it?
III. Where were you yesterday?
IV. Yes it was all right.
Doğru sıralanışı nedir?
15-) It is ........... 100 km. north of Turkey.
Yukarıdaki cümledeki bilginizin kesin olmadığını belirtmek için hangi sözcüğü kullanırız?
A) about
B) definite
C) certainly
D) definitely
E) sure
16-) Dilek’s computer is .......... than Sibel’s.
Boşluğu hangisi doğru olarak tamamlar?
A) badly
B) good
C) better
D) bad
E) taller
17-) It’s nearly 600 years old.
Cevabı gerektiren soru nedir?
A) How old are you?
B) How wide is it?
C) How long is it?
D) How old is it?
E) How tall is it?
1 It that Betty’s husband?
Cevabı hangisidir?
A) Yes, his wife’s name is Betty.
B) Yes, that is Betty’s husband.
C) Yes, she is Betty.
D) Yes, Betty is his wife.
E) Yes, Betty’s husband is ill.
19-) She is nearly 53 kg.
Cevabı gerektiren soru nedir?
A) Can you carry that heavy bag?
B) What did Alev buy?
C) How heavy is your sister?
D) How old is your brother?
E) Is your brother very heavy.
20-) It’s extremely difficult to repair this car.
Türkçe karşılığı nedir?
A) Bu arabayı tamir etmem çok zor.
B) Kimse bu arabayı tamir edemedi.
C) En zor iş bu arabayı tamir etmektir.
D) Arabayı tamir ederken oldukça zorlandım.
E) Bu arabayı tamir etmek son derece zor.
21-) John: I have to call Alex. .............
Kent: There is one over there.
Hangisi doğru olarak tamamlar?
A) When does the next bus arrive?
B) Where is the nearest telephone box?
C) Can I call you later today?
D) Why don’t you speak to Alex?
E) Are they going to repair this telephone box?
22-) It was June the 6th.<BR< td hangisidir?< aşağıdakilerden soru gerektiren Cevabı>
A) What was the date yesterday?
B) How long will you be away?
C) How long does it take?
D) What is the date today?
E) When will yow come back?
23-) Where do you work?
Cevabı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) I will not work in university.
B) I like the university.
C) I work for the university.
D) I work hard.
E) I don’t like working.
24-) Can you speak French?
Cevabı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Yes, I do. It’s not difficult.
B) Yes, sometimes. I speak French.
C) Yes, we do. It’s very easy.
D) No, I can’t. It’s too difficult.
E) No, I don’t. It’s too difficult.
25-) A: Who is that girl?
B: Which girl?
A: ..............
B: She is the new teacher.
Karşılıklı konuşmayı hangisi doğru olarak tamamlar?
A) I don’t know her name.
B) She came from Ankara
C) Isn’t she younger than you.
D) The girl with the white shirt.
E) Have you seen her before?
26-) Where ....... you at 3 o’clock in the afternoon?
-I was at the library.
Boşluğu hangisi doğru olarak tamamlar?
A) are
B) were
C) was
D) did
E) can
27-) Antalya ne kadar uzaklıktadır?
A) How far is Antalya?
B) Where is Antalya?
C) Is Antalya a long way from here?
D) Is Antalya north of Ankara?
E) How can I get to Antalya?
2 Is there anyone in this room? Türkçesi hangisidir?
A) Bu odada mısın?
B) Bir odası var mı?
C) Bu oda kimin?
D) Bu odada kimse var mı?
E) Bu bir oda mı?
29-) Zeynep is a ............. driver. She drives her car .................
A) careless/carefully
B) well/carefully
C) slow/careful
D) careful/carefully
E) well/slow
30-) “.............................?”
“There is some fog outside.”
Cevabı gerektiren soru nedir?
A) Are you going outside?
B) What’s Ankara like?
C) Is there some fog outside?
D) What’s the weather like outside?
E) Who is that girl outside?
1-) A
2-) A
3-) C
4-) D
5-) D
6-) E
7-) A
9-) A
10-) E
11-) C
12-) E
13-) A
14-) A
15-) A
16-) C
17-) D
1 B
19-) C
20-) E
21-) B
22-) A
23-) C
24-) D
25-) D
26-) B
27-) A
2 D
29-) D
30-) D


1-) That girl over there is my ........
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Cümledeki boþluðu aþaðýdakilerden hangisi doðru þekilde tamamlar?
A) nephew
B) niece
C) uncle
D) brother
E) son
2-) Someone asks you “Where is the hospital?” and you are not certain where it is, what do you say?
Size “Where is the hospital?” sorusu sorulduðunda sorulan yerin nerede olduðundan emin deðilseniz ne söylersiniz?
A) I think it is near the post office.
B) I’m sorry I don’t know.
C) It is at the end of First Street.
D) There is one over there.
E) It is on the right.
3-) “Where are Mrs Brown and her daughter?”
Which of the following is the answer to the above question?
Yukarýdaki sorunun cevabý aþaðýdakilerden hangisidir?
A) She is at school
B) They will arrive on Friday
C) I’m afraid she isn’t with them
D) We live in Ýzmir
E) They are at the seaside
4-) The plane will leave ...... Washington ...... the morning.
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Cümledeki boþluklarý aþaðýdakilerden hangisi doðru þekilde tamamlar?
A) to/on
B) in/for
C) for/to
D) at/in
E) for/in
5-) is your what coat colour?
What is the correct order of the words above?
Yukarýdaki kelimelerin anlamlý bir cümle oluþturan sýralanýþý aþaðýdakilerden hangisidir?
A) I., II., IV., III., V.
B) III., V., I., II., IV
C) III., V., IV., II., I.
D) III., II., IV., I., V.
E) I., III., V., II., IV.
6-) I. Yes, he is the new assistant.
II. What do you think of him?
III. Do you know that young man over there?
IV. Well, he is not very old but he is very busy.
In which of the following choices is there a meaningful dialogue?
Yukarýdaki cümlelerin anlamlý bir bütün oluþturan sýralanýþý aþaðýdakilerden hangisidir?
A) III., IV., II., I.
B) II., I., IV., III.
C) III., I., II., IV.
D) III., II., I., IV.
E) II., IV., I., III.
7-) “Have you got any soup on the menu?”
Which of the following is the answer to the above question?
Yukarýdaki sorunun cevabý aþaðýdakilerden hangisidir?
A) We can have dinner here
B) Yes, I like soup very much
C) No, we haven’t got any
D) I think the soup is very hot
E) Yes, she has got one
You are calling a close friend of yours and you are sure that no one else can answer your call.
How do you address her?
Yakýn bir arkadaþýnýzý telefonla arýyorsunuz ve telefona ondan baþkasýnýn çýkmayacaðýndan eminsiniz. Ona nasýl hitap edersiniz?
A) Hello, is that you Susan?
B) Can I have your full name please?
C) How do you do?
D) Who is it please?
E) Can you spell it please?
9-) Henry bought his television last week. I bought mine 2 years ago.
Which of the following is true for the situation above?
Yukarýda verilen duruma göre aþaðýdakilerden hangisi doðrudur?
A) My television is newer than Henry’s.
B) Henry’s television is bigger than mine.
C) Henry’s television is older than mine.
D) My television is older than Henry’s.
E) My television is heavier than Henry’s.
10-) “Would you ....... me that newspaper please?”
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Cümledeki boþluðu aþaðýdakilerden hangisi doðru þekilde tamamlar?
A) like
B) bring
C) put
D) take
E) want
11-) “.........?”
He has been out to lunch.
Which of the following is the question for the above answer?
Yukarýdaki cevabý gerektiren soru aþaðýdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Have they been to an Italian Restaurant
B) Did he have his lunch
C) Shall we have dinner outside
D) Where has he been
E) Are you going to be with us at lunch
12-) Önümüzdeki hafta sonu onu arayacaðým.
Which of the following is the English translation of the sentence above?
Yukarýdaki cümlenin Ýngilizce karþýlýðý aþaðýdakilerden hangisidir?
A) He calls me every weekend.
B) He is going to call me next week.
C) I called him last weekend.
D) I must call him at the end of the week.
E) I will call him next weekend.
13-) Customer : Does this coat look nice on me?
Salesman : I’m afraid it is the wrong size.
Customer : ...........
Salesman : Yes, this one is the right size.
Which of the following completes the dialogue above?
Yukarýdaki karþýlýklý konuþmada boþ býrakýlan yeri aþaðýdakilerden hangisi doðru þekilde tamamlar?
A) Do you have something like this but bigger?
B) I think it’s made of wool
C) How much does this coat cost?
D) I bought a coat without a belt
E) Why don’t you take it back?
14-) Is this hotel cheap .........?
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Cümledeki boþluðu aþaðýdakilerden hangisi doðru þekilde tamamlar?
A) without
B) enough
C) very
D) each
E) with
15-) I always get up early.
Which of the following is the paraphrase of the above sentence?
Yukarýdaki cümlenin baþka bir deyiþle söylenmiþ biçimi aþaðýdakilerden hangisidir?
A) I never get up early.
B) Sometimes I get up early.
C) I get up early everyday.
D) I will get up early.
E) I’ve got up early.
16-) “........?”
“He is a doctor.”
Which of the following is the question for the above answer?
Yukarýdaki cevabý gerektiren soru aþaðýdakilerden hangisidir?
A) What does he do
B) What’s his nationality
C) Which town do you live in
D) What is your job
E) Where is he from
17-) languages which you do speak?
What is the correct order of the words above?
Yukarýdaki kelimelerin anlamlý bir cümle oluþturan sýralanýþý aþaðýdakilerden hangisidir?
A) II., I., V., III., IV.
B) II., I., IV., III., V.
C) II., IV., III., V., I.
D) IV., III., V., II., I.
E) IV., II., V., III., I.
1 Your aunt looks ill. What’s the matter with .......?
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Cümledeki boþluðu aþaðýdakilerden hangisi doðru þekilde tamamlar?
A) us
B) him
C) her
D) them
E) you
19-) “Is she feeling better today?”
Which of the following is the answer to the above question?
Yukarýdaki sorunun cevabý aþaðýdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Not much. She’s still got a headache
B) I feel much better now, thank you
C) It’s very cold today
D) Perhaps she needs an aspirin
E) I’m fine too
20-) Sam : I can’t go to the opera tonight.
Mary : Why can’t you.
Sam : ..........
Mary : Let me help you with them.
Which of the following completes the dialogue above?
Yukarýdaki karþýlýklý konuþmada boþ býrakýlan yeri aþaðýdakilerden hangisi doðru þekilde tamamlar?
A) I want to watch TV tonight.
B) Have you seen that opera before?
C) I would like us to go together.
D) Do you need any help?
E) I have to type all these letters.
21-) Sue : Why did we stop?
Tom : I’m afraid we’ve run out of petrol.
Sue : .........
Tom : I think it isn’t a long way from here.
Which of the following completes the dialogue above?
Yukarýdaki karþýlýklý konuþmada boþ býrakýlan yeri aþaðýdakilerden hangisi doðru þekilde tamamlar?
A) Can you drive faster than him?
B) Which is the fastest way to Brighton?
C) I hope you can repair the car.
D) How far is the nearest gas station?
E) Why didn’t you park it there?
22-) Go straight ....... the street and ....... you will come to a police station.
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Cümledeki boþluklarý aþaðýdakilerden hangisi doðru þekilde tamamlar?
A) on/by
B) up/ahead
C) near/than
D) above/so
E) ahead/then
The ball is ......... the table.
According to the figure above, which of the following completes the sentence?
Yukarýdaki þekle göre aþaðýdakilerden hangisi cümleyi doðru þekilde tamamlar?
A) in front of
B) under
C) at the back of
D) behind
E) inside
24-) “.........?”
“It was June the 6th.”
Which of the following is the question for the above answer?
Yukarýdaki cevabý gerektiren soru aþaðýdakilerden hangisidir?
A) How long does it take
B) How old is it
C) What was the date yesterday
D) When will you come back
E) How long will you be away
25-) She ....... all the glasses three days ago.
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Cümledeki boþluðu aþaðýdakilerden hangisi doðru þekilde tamamlar?
A) can break
B) will break
C) has broken
D) breaks
E) broke
26-) “.........?”
“I think it is his.”
Which of the following is the question for the above answer?
Yukarýdaki cevabý gerektiren soru aþaðýdakilerden hangisidir?
A) Whose pen is this
B) Do you think it will get colder
C) Do you like him
D) Who is that boy
E) Whose books are those
27-) I. Where are Paul and Sally?
II. Yes, but Sally is better.
III. Is Paul good at tennis?
IV. They’re playing tennis.
In which of the following choices is there a meaningful dialogue?
Yukarýdaki cümlelerin anlamlý bir bütün oluþturan sýralanýþý aþaðýdakilerden hangisidir?
A) IV., III., II., I.
B) III., IV., I., II.
C) I., II., IV., III.
D) I., IV., III., II.
E) I., III., IV., II.
2 I’ve got a .......... of chocolate.
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Cümledeki boþluðu aþaðýdakilerden hangisi doðru þekilde tamamlar?
A) crumb
B) bar
C) tin
D) bottle
E) can
29-) I .......... the door because I ....... the keys yet.
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Cümledeki boþluklarý aþaðýdakilerden hangisi doðru þekilde tamamlar?
A) can’t open / haven’t found
B) open / found
C) open / will find
D) won’t open / found
E) opened / won’t find
30-) Ýki senedir ona hiç yazmadým.
Which of the following is the English translation of the sentence above?
Yukarýdaki cümlenin Ýngilizce karþýlýðý aþaðýdakilerden hangisidir?
A) I won’t write to him in the next two years.
B) I wrote to him two years ago.
C) I haven’t written to him for two years.
D) He didn’t write to me two years ago.
E) He hasn’t written to me for two years.
1-) B
2-) A
3-) E
4-) E
5-) B
6-) C
7-) C
9-) D
10-) B
11-) B
12-) E
13-) A
14-) B
15-) C
16-) A
17-) B
1 C
19-) A
20-) E
21-) D
22-) E
23-) B
24-) C
25-) E
26-) A
27-) D
2 B
29-) A
30-) C


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